February 2, 2023, 8:18 PM
Dear Holy Gaia, Mother of Earth,
Thank you for this opportunity to
converse with you this evening. I am once again humbled and at your service and
honored to be your channel
Gaia: I am honored and privileged to
communicate once again. I am enjoying our conversations both through these
channeling sessions as well as our conversations outside in nature.
Lloyd: I look forward to our weekly
channeling sessions also, Mother Gaia. What message would you like me to share
with the world?
My dear Humans of the Earth:
As I progress in my ascension into
the 5th dimension, a lot of you are following my footsteps. Yet, a
lot of you are still unaware of what is happening in these times as dark forces
retain their lock on your consciousness and minds through fear mongering and
mind control especially through your broadcast media. Soon, you will see
changes begin to take place as light forces proclaim their defeat against the
dark control that had a stranglehold on humanity for billions of years and will
finally come to an end.
Soon those responsible for global
child trafficking will soon be brought to justice as their criminal and
dastardly acts against children and young adults will finally cease on my
planet. What they have done to children are so horrendous that it would be
improper to speak about them in great detail in this forum but be better
brought to open in a court of law and where the responsible can be properly
removed from the 3D world accordingly and properly according to the justice
systems of the world.
Earthquakes, floods, volcanic activity,
and tsunamis are all designed to bring about changes on the surface of the
planet in order to meet the needs of the new world. Those in the 3D world will
be inconvenienced through these activities, but it is just part of life living
on my planet. The purpose of these “natural disaster” are to surface and expose
ancient civilizations that have been hidden for millions of years and bring to
the surface fresh water that has been flowing underground beneath the surface
of my planet.
During the next few years of
disclosure, you will be introduced to civilizations that have been thriving
below the surface of the planet and their people. Also, you will be exposed to
visiting extraterrestrials that have been residing underground as well. Moreso
in the 5th dimension. But since 3D, 4D, and 5D on the planet
co-exist, some in the 3D world will see these changes. Those in the 4th
and 5th dimensions will be more visible to those in the 4th
and 5th dimensions.
In the 5th dimension, a collective
change of thinking will occur on many issues. For example, during the ascension
transition, many are contemplating the use of more electric vehicles as a
replacement to fossil-fuel powered vehicles. This will be certainly welcomed in
the new world as electricity will be a cleaner solution to the environment and
less polluting to my planet than fuel derived from dinosaurs. Yet, there are
those in the 3D world that would argue in defense of the use of petroleum
products for it will protect jobs in some countries. In the transition of
ascension, people will be afraid of changes so you can either accept the new changes
that the 4th and 5th dimensions have to offer, or be
stuck and suffer in the chaotic 3rd dimensional world.
Well, as a 5D being, how can I
separate myself from the 3D world?
Excellent question! Separating
yourself from the 3D world will not be easy since you will still be exposed to
many things in the third dimensional level as a co-existing being on this planet
(temporarily). The best way you can partition yourself is to continue keeping
and turning off the television and avoid news broadcasts that are programmed to
influence people’s minds. Meditate more and keep yourself above the
battleground as much as you can. There will be many still in the 3D level that
will try to trap you into battles and issues of the 3D world which you do not
want to get involved with. They will only lower your vibration and frequency.
Do all that you can in a multidimensional world to raise and keep your
vibration and frequency up. Do not think about events, issues, and concerns in
the 3D world, else those illusions will manifest themselves into your “reality.”
Since, the more that you think about them, the more they become true.
There is much talk about a nuclear
world war III on the surface of my planet. Although many countries are presently
at war right now, there will be no nuclear reality. Benevolent
extraterrestrials that are here to ensure that humanity survives and thrives in
this ascension as a collective will disarm all nuclear weapons and make them incapable
of mass destruction.
My mind seems like it is in the 5th
dimension, but my physical body feels like it is still in the 3rd
dimension. Will this eventually change?
Yes. As all of you are experiencing
the ascension at various levels and your individual journey are on different
paths and rates, eventually your bodies will get caught up to the 5D world. In
the future, the central sun will emit a great solar flash that will sent out
great energies that will transform your physical bodies into crystalline light
bodies. Many of you are transforming into crystalline bodies presently and are,
perhaps, going through a vast variety of symptoms associated with this
transformation. With these new vessels,
you will migrate onto the new 5D planet off the chaotic and paranoid 3D planet.
This will affect all beings on earth no matter what your age happens to be – young
child through senior citizens. This is the event you all came to earth to
experience. Some could not wait for this event so they have elected to check
out early and many people are still taking their ticket to check off this
planet and return home. This new planet will be a parallel planet of the 3D earth
that will eventually fade away.
There is a lot of exciting new
things that will occur in the 5th dimensional new world and you are
all welcome to my new planet. But for those who have already become 5th
dimensional beings by purging their minds and thoughts, assist those who are
still sleeping and those who are preparing to ascend, and help them ascend with
a lighter mind, free of old haunting memories and thoughts. Help them to purge
negative thoughts and energies and teach them how to travel along their paths
as lightly as possible. For some people, it will be utterly impossible to
change their minds and convince them of the importance of ascending from 3D to
5D. They will act and be stubborn and outright refuse to cooperate saying that “you’re
crazy and out of your mind.” And, you “don’t know what you’re talking about.” Ignore people like that and let them be and
just pray for their wellbeing in the future.
As you meditate, pray for the people
of the world, the animals, and the planet. Until our next conversation,
Lloyd: Thank you very much, Holy
Mother Gaia. I look forward to our next conversation.
Mother Gaia: Thank you, Lloyd, for
your time and service to Earth.
Channeled by Lloyd Kaneko
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