Thursday, August 17, 2023

Taking a Bold Stance Against Injustice To and On Gaia


August 17, 2023, 8:18 PM

Dear Holy Gaia, Mother of Earth,

Thank you for this opportunity to converse with you this afternoon. I am once again humbled and at your service and honored to be your channel

Gaia: I am honored and privileged to communicate once again. I am enjoying our conversations both through these channeling sessions as well as our conversations outside in nature. It’s been a while since we last conversed.

Lloyd: I look forward to our channeling sessions also, Mother Gaia. What message would you like me to share with the world?

My dear Humans of the Earth:

As I continue to ascend into the 5th dimension, I would dearly love to take all of you with me where love will prevail and there will be no more wars. Unfortunately, there are still those lingering on the dark side who refuse to make the transition and are attempting in every manner that they can to block the ascension of others trying to ascend. For those of you already in the New World, you should not be so affected by that which is occurring in the 3D world even though that reality/illusion is presented right in your faces.

What is happening on my planet right now is devastating to say the least. On the Hawaiian Island of Maui, there was a devastating island fire that destroyed communities on that island and, unfortunately, claimed many lives. Whether these lives were planned or unplanned sacrifices is difficult to say. But rest assured that all their souls have transitioned to Heaven. There are some stories that the fires were unnaturally caused by direct energy weapons (lasers) from either aircraft or satellites. Other stories say that these people were sacrificed to save the dark side from implementing even greater weapons of destruction that would have been more devastating for mankind in general if they were allowed to use it. These weapons were in the underground caverns of Maui.

In the history of the 3D planet, civilizations have resided in underground caverns, some peaceful, others with aggressive, violent agendas that particularly dislike humanity and have weapons to destroy mankind. In addition to these weapons, man has also developed high-capacity weapons to destroy the population on earth and a relatively few of your people, in fact, have an objective to reduce the population of the world.

Besides creating uncontrollable fires, the dark side has poisoned the food chain by spraying pesticides and chemicals designed to create great illness among the world’s population. Furthermore, they have controlled farming of my lands to the point of limiting the output and availability of food supply, then proclaim that there is a world food shortage and famine. This famine is man-made. I have the capacity to provide good, healthy food for the entire world. But starvation is another way of reducing the world’s population.

They are injecting poisons and chemicals through vaccinations to the world’s children and elderly to cause mass sickness to these people for the children and elderly population are vulnerable to deadly vaccinations. But your authorities would continue to spread misinformation claiming that the vaccinations are purely safe when their actual purpose is to create mass genocide.

The have manipulated the weather on my planet to appear as if there is global “climate change” on my planet due to all the man-made/caused tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods on the planet. Many deaths have been caused by these manipulated catastrophes. Man is currently doing nothing but abusing his stay on this planet.

Since you will all be separated in the time of ascension, most of you will be able to see these issues from a higher perspective. Those left on the 3D world will eventually be phased out of existence in this world and all the others that elected not to ascend for they will continue to suffer the chaos and destruction in the 3D world until the phase-out commences.

For those who are electing to move on to the higher dimensions, ensure that you do not bring the bad, negative, and destructive behaviors of that of the 3D world. Purge your mind and behavior of all negativities by learning and practicing forgiveness in your lives. Learn how to raise your vibrations and frequencies to remove yourselves from the low vibration and frequencies of that of the 3D world.

As a collective, stand up against the actions of the dark side and proclaim, “enough is enough.” Take over the power that the minority of the world have claimed for decades on this planet for there are more of you in the collective than there are of them who claim to have power. Come election time in your countries, do not endorse candidates and political parties that support an agenda for population reduction. Many nations have a bad habit of re-electing these people back into office. Do your research before you vote. Claim no loyalty to any political party but vote independently as sovereign individuals. Vote for individuals who are going to be accountable not only to the future of humanity, but also to the environment and welfare of the planet.

Should you need assistance, call upon your spiritual support of ascended masters, teachers, and angels. Also, call upon extraterrestrials, the Galactic Federation, that have been dispatched to my planet to assist humanity in the ascension process.

Until our next conversation, be well.

Lloyd: Thank you very much, Holy Mother Gaia. I look forward to our next conversation.

Mother Gaia: Thank you, Lloyd, for your time and service to Earth.


Channeled by Lloyd Kaneko

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Taking a Bold Stance Against Injustice To and On Gaia

TAKING A BOLD STANCE AGAINST INJUSTICE TO AND ON GAIA August 17, 2023, 8:18 PM Dear Holy Gaia, Mother of Earth, Thank you for this opp...