Thursday, May 11, 2023

Cleaning Up My Planet to Manifest a New World


February 25, 2023, 6:45 PM

Dear Holy Gaia, Mother of Earth,

Thank you for this opportunity to converse with you this afternoon. I am once again humbled and at your service and honored to be your channel

Gaia: I am honored and privileged to communicate once again. It has been a while and I am happy that things in your household are starting to settle down.  I also enjoy our conversations both through these channeling sessions as well as our conversations outside in nature. Soon I, too, look forward to sharing your body and communicating my messages to humanity.

Lloyd: I look forward to our weekly channeling sessions also, Mother Gaia. And I look forward to the opportunities of sharing my body with you so that you can express your messages in verbal form.  What message would you like me to share with the world?

My dear Beloved Friends of the Earth:

Many changes are occurring upon my planet as I ascend into the 5th dimension. Not only is my consciousness being cleansed and expanding into the 5th dimension, but many of you are also doing the same thing.  I commend all of you that are along for this ride for your diligence, patience, love, and effort. However, there are still a lot of you of whom are still asleep or confused by these current events.

The dark forces are very active implementing their last ditched efforts in attempting to control the population through their agenda and some governments are remaining steadfast in being stubborn to give up their powers. Thus, they are actively inhibiting the introduction of new technologies in your countries, new monetary plans and policies that were written decades ago to enable average people to become abundant just because bankers and affluent people are refusing to surrender their wealth and control of money and refusing to give most of the people the wealth that they richly deserve.

Governments are controlled and influenced by the dark forces and ultra rich families on my planet that remain greedy in relinquishing their powers and wealth for the rest of the world to enjoy the abundance of my resources. Unlike certain countries who have adapted policies to ensure and bring about financial abundance and free energy to its inhabitants, other countries are refusing to yield to progress and are prohibiting their people from enjoying new technologies, also medical technologies, in favor of “remaining in the dark” and not implementing these new technologies in their countries.  Even to the extent of keeping silent about these new benefits to the public, knowing that these new technologies exist and are ready to be implemented on a global scale.

As I ascend to the 5th dimension, I will not take these people with me if they refuse to relinquish their power and authority even in the face of being dismantled by progress in the world. I will discard them off the face of my planet and shake them off like “fleas” on an animal (dogs or cats).

When it comes time to ascend into the 5th dimension, then will be a good opportunity to bring about new forms of tools and resources that can help humanity, globally, step into the future and cleanse its memories and remembrance of the past. For you will all be living in the “now moment” – the present time.  The future will be upon you and will be a good time -- despite all your roadblocks -- to manifest a New World.

It has been way too long of a time to permit the few to destroy and put its scars upon my planet and time to give myself the necessary time to heal and recover.  In this matter, I seek your help and assistance in healing my planet from all the past destruction that the minor few have done to leave their damage upon my planet. – me.

Dear ones, this includes making efforts to cultivate new rain forests, new forestry in your mountains and hills, demolishing buildings and structures that are not ecologically and environmentally friendly and building replacement structures and buildings that are more compatible to my surface.

Eliminating the necessity of over-fishing and over-whaling just to passively provide abundant people of the delicacies these creatures provide when millions of others on my planet cannot afford to pay for them. Yet, they overfish and over-hunt whales and thus reduce their population in the oceans and leave virtually nothing for others to enjoy just for a simple, basic meal.  They do this by disregarding the protection of these creatures in favor of eliminating these beautiful creatures from the face of the Earth.  It is past time to clean up my house and reverse this trend.

Tons of waste and pollution are dumped on my beaches – much of it not recyclable in your current technology. Things like plastics, Styrofoam plates and other foreign substances are littered throughout my beaches and end up in the oceans, often consumed by sea life which severely harms and kills fish and other sea creatures. Some fish must permanently live with fishing hooks in their bodies or entrapped by fishing line also. The pollution of my waters, oceans, and beaches needs to cease immediately. And with the cleansing and ascension of human consciousness into the higher dimensions, this matter will eventually take care of itself since people will share and express more love, not only among themselves, but also towards other creatures of my planet and an expanded awareness of me, Gaia, myself.

Where there are alternative energy supplies and resources to operate automobiles and trucks, the world has been slow to adapt to other forms of energies to power these vehicles.  Such forms of energy such as electricity and hydrogen are readily available and are not as destructive as fossil fuel both towards the ocean environment as well as that on land.  But conversion of these vehicles has been slow to transform themselves in existence largely because many still favor the use of more polluting fossil fuels and a genuine demand and greed for these types of vehicles.

In many countries, there is still the need to produce bigger and faster vehicles. Many other countries have adapted to the more compact vehicles both with automobiles and trucks. Other countries need to follow the latter as being friendlier to the environment and exercising conservation measures on using fossil fuel. The need for “luxury” vehicles needs to be re-examined in certain countries that still produce these vehicles.

There is a vast area of other conservation measures that humanity can implement to clean up my environment that will take a book to outline exactly what else I need to have done as I ascend. But be creative in your thinking and planning and always seek my help and consultation in these matters.

Until our next conversation, be well.

Lloyd: Thank you very much, Holy Mother Gaia. I look forward to our next conversation.

Mother Gaia: Thank you, Lloyd, for your time and service to Earth.


Channeled by Lloyd Kaneko

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