Thursday, November 3, 2022

What You Can Do: Right Here, Right Now


November 3, 2022, 6:40 PM

Dear Holy Gaia, Mother of Earth,

Thank you for this opportunity to converse with you this evening. I am once again humbled and at your service and honored to be your channel

Gaia: I am honored and privileged to communicate once again. I am enjoying our conversations both through these channeling sessions as well as our conversations outside in nature as you receive your energy and upgrades from Apollo.

Lloyd: I am beginning to look forward to our weekly channeling sessions also, Mother Gaia. One of my readers asked a very specific question this past week. She wanted to know: “what you need from us at this point? What we could be doing right here and right now that would benefit you the most? How you feel?

My dear Humans of the Earth:

This is a very broad-based question for there are many things that I need you to do at this point that would benefit Earth. So, let us begin with the very current events.

By and large, all of you can prepare for the ascension transition and ascend with me into the 5th dimension as I make my transition into the higher dimensions. It would please me very much to see all of you transition into the new world with me as I raise my consciousness, therefore, you, too, raise your individual consciousness. I know that some of you will remain in the 3D world and lag behind in darkness and refuse to move into the higher dimensions and will try to drag many downs with you. For those who try to stop the ascension process, you will not succeed for I am proceeding to ascend into the 5th dimension regardless of your preference to continue on or not. So, seek help and make the choice to ascend as a collective one.

In preparing to raise your vibrations and frequency, do more to commune with nature. Spend more time outdoors talking and hugging trees for they have many stories to tell you. Become friends with animals, birds and wildlife for in the 5th dimension, they will become your friends. Also, do more to ground yourselves with Earth for I, personally, have a lot to tell each one of you through your contact with the grass, ground and bare feet, Apollo also sends his rays of healing energy everyday including DNA upgrades necessary for your ascension process.

Also take this time now to refrain from consuming red meats and consume more organic fruits, nuts and vegetables. These will be your primary food sources in the 5th dimension as animals will no longer be slaughtered as they were in the 3D world.

On the conservation front, do more to save your forests by not burning down trees and green areas. I had pride in myself for growing this vegetation and natural beauty on my planet before man, in favor of land development, had started to clear my lands of natural beauty and resources in favor of constructing tall buildings, houses, unnatural dwellings, and buildings that did not fit with the surrounding environment nor did anything to replenish it.

What you take from the Earth, please put it back or find ways of naturally replenishing the supply. All too long has man taken, but never given back, like, water supply. There have been technologies existing on the planet that would have been good for supplying and converting salt water by desalinization processes. However, because of greed of a few, these better processes were often squashed.  Now, mankind is paying the consequences for their actions. You have nearly depleted the limited supply of the world’s availability of fossil fuels in favor of oil and gasoline and began charging exorbitant prices for this commodity because supplies are so low. Yet, you are slow to turn to other technologies for transportation such as electricity and hydrogen all because of your insatiable greed for oil and gas.

In short, you have drained the Earth of many of her supplies of many natural resources, yet, you’ve done nothing to replenish her resources so that the supplies may be enjoyed by future generations. If you really loved the world more, this would not have happened. But because of your dominant, narrow-minded masculine minds, the world was nearly destroyed. The only way the tide will change is a change of consciousness and the influence of the feminine mind. No, not necessarily influence by more females, although that would help, but beings that are mind-balanced of both masculine and feminine minds that have more of an appreciation and love and respect for Earth.

Finally, the last thing that mankind can do right now that would benefit the surface of Earth is to cease all wars and rumors of nuclear wars. It has been your persistent wars that have scarred my natural lands throughout the ages through bombs and nuclear weapons that you want to do this even to a higher degree – total inhalation of man. What you all can do right now that would benefit me the most is to remove your world leaders right now and replace all of them with more responsible people that will ensure the peace of the world and help all people ascend into the 5th dimension through a change of consciousness not only in your community governments, but also in your federal governments as well. The people in your elected and self-appointed positions no longer serve you, the people, or the world, and are only out to destroy the world with their threats of nuclear war. It is beyond time to replace them all for my sake and I seek you help in doing so.

So, look for good things to happen soon as many changes are happening now. Until our next conversation, I extend my unconditional love to all of you. I am, Mother Gaia.

Lloyd: Thank you very much, Holy Mother Gaia. I look forward to our next conversation.

Mother Gaia: Thank you, Lloyd, for your time and service to Earth.


Channeled by Lloyd Kaneko

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