Thursday, August 17, 2023

Taking a Bold Stance Against Injustice To and On Gaia


August 17, 2023, 8:18 PM

Dear Holy Gaia, Mother of Earth,

Thank you for this opportunity to converse with you this afternoon. I am once again humbled and at your service and honored to be your channel

Gaia: I am honored and privileged to communicate once again. I am enjoying our conversations both through these channeling sessions as well as our conversations outside in nature. It’s been a while since we last conversed.

Lloyd: I look forward to our channeling sessions also, Mother Gaia. What message would you like me to share with the world?

My dear Humans of the Earth:

As I continue to ascend into the 5th dimension, I would dearly love to take all of you with me where love will prevail and there will be no more wars. Unfortunately, there are still those lingering on the dark side who refuse to make the transition and are attempting in every manner that they can to block the ascension of others trying to ascend. For those of you already in the New World, you should not be so affected by that which is occurring in the 3D world even though that reality/illusion is presented right in your faces.

What is happening on my planet right now is devastating to say the least. On the Hawaiian Island of Maui, there was a devastating island fire that destroyed communities on that island and, unfortunately, claimed many lives. Whether these lives were planned or unplanned sacrifices is difficult to say. But rest assured that all their souls have transitioned to Heaven. There are some stories that the fires were unnaturally caused by direct energy weapons (lasers) from either aircraft or satellites. Other stories say that these people were sacrificed to save the dark side from implementing even greater weapons of destruction that would have been more devastating for mankind in general if they were allowed to use it. These weapons were in the underground caverns of Maui.

In the history of the 3D planet, civilizations have resided in underground caverns, some peaceful, others with aggressive, violent agendas that particularly dislike humanity and have weapons to destroy mankind. In addition to these weapons, man has also developed high-capacity weapons to destroy the population on earth and a relatively few of your people, in fact, have an objective to reduce the population of the world.

Besides creating uncontrollable fires, the dark side has poisoned the food chain by spraying pesticides and chemicals designed to create great illness among the world’s population. Furthermore, they have controlled farming of my lands to the point of limiting the output and availability of food supply, then proclaim that there is a world food shortage and famine. This famine is man-made. I have the capacity to provide good, healthy food for the entire world. But starvation is another way of reducing the world’s population.

They are injecting poisons and chemicals through vaccinations to the world’s children and elderly to cause mass sickness to these people for the children and elderly population are vulnerable to deadly vaccinations. But your authorities would continue to spread misinformation claiming that the vaccinations are purely safe when their actual purpose is to create mass genocide.

The have manipulated the weather on my planet to appear as if there is global “climate change” on my planet due to all the man-made/caused tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods on the planet. Many deaths have been caused by these manipulated catastrophes. Man is currently doing nothing but abusing his stay on this planet.

Since you will all be separated in the time of ascension, most of you will be able to see these issues from a higher perspective. Those left on the 3D world will eventually be phased out of existence in this world and all the others that elected not to ascend for they will continue to suffer the chaos and destruction in the 3D world until the phase-out commences.

For those who are electing to move on to the higher dimensions, ensure that you do not bring the bad, negative, and destructive behaviors of that of the 3D world. Purge your mind and behavior of all negativities by learning and practicing forgiveness in your lives. Learn how to raise your vibrations and frequencies to remove yourselves from the low vibration and frequencies of that of the 3D world.

As a collective, stand up against the actions of the dark side and proclaim, “enough is enough.” Take over the power that the minority of the world have claimed for decades on this planet for there are more of you in the collective than there are of them who claim to have power. Come election time in your countries, do not endorse candidates and political parties that support an agenda for population reduction. Many nations have a bad habit of re-electing these people back into office. Do your research before you vote. Claim no loyalty to any political party but vote independently as sovereign individuals. Vote for individuals who are going to be accountable not only to the future of humanity, but also to the environment and welfare of the planet.

Should you need assistance, call upon your spiritual support of ascended masters, teachers, and angels. Also, call upon extraterrestrials, the Galactic Federation, that have been dispatched to my planet to assist humanity in the ascension process.

Until our next conversation, be well.

Lloyd: Thank you very much, Holy Mother Gaia. I look forward to our next conversation.

Mother Gaia: Thank you, Lloyd, for your time and service to Earth.


Channeled by Lloyd Kaneko

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Cleaning Up My Planet to Manifest a New World


February 25, 2023, 6:45 PM

Dear Holy Gaia, Mother of Earth,

Thank you for this opportunity to converse with you this afternoon. I am once again humbled and at your service and honored to be your channel

Gaia: I am honored and privileged to communicate once again. It has been a while and I am happy that things in your household are starting to settle down.  I also enjoy our conversations both through these channeling sessions as well as our conversations outside in nature. Soon I, too, look forward to sharing your body and communicating my messages to humanity.

Lloyd: I look forward to our weekly channeling sessions also, Mother Gaia. And I look forward to the opportunities of sharing my body with you so that you can express your messages in verbal form.  What message would you like me to share with the world?

My dear Beloved Friends of the Earth:

Many changes are occurring upon my planet as I ascend into the 5th dimension. Not only is my consciousness being cleansed and expanding into the 5th dimension, but many of you are also doing the same thing.  I commend all of you that are along for this ride for your diligence, patience, love, and effort. However, there are still a lot of you of whom are still asleep or confused by these current events.

The dark forces are very active implementing their last ditched efforts in attempting to control the population through their agenda and some governments are remaining steadfast in being stubborn to give up their powers. Thus, they are actively inhibiting the introduction of new technologies in your countries, new monetary plans and policies that were written decades ago to enable average people to become abundant just because bankers and affluent people are refusing to surrender their wealth and control of money and refusing to give most of the people the wealth that they richly deserve.

Governments are controlled and influenced by the dark forces and ultra rich families on my planet that remain greedy in relinquishing their powers and wealth for the rest of the world to enjoy the abundance of my resources. Unlike certain countries who have adapted policies to ensure and bring about financial abundance and free energy to its inhabitants, other countries are refusing to yield to progress and are prohibiting their people from enjoying new technologies, also medical technologies, in favor of “remaining in the dark” and not implementing these new technologies in their countries.  Even to the extent of keeping silent about these new benefits to the public, knowing that these new technologies exist and are ready to be implemented on a global scale.

As I ascend to the 5th dimension, I will not take these people with me if they refuse to relinquish their power and authority even in the face of being dismantled by progress in the world. I will discard them off the face of my planet and shake them off like “fleas” on an animal (dogs or cats).

When it comes time to ascend into the 5th dimension, then will be a good opportunity to bring about new forms of tools and resources that can help humanity, globally, step into the future and cleanse its memories and remembrance of the past. For you will all be living in the “now moment” – the present time.  The future will be upon you and will be a good time -- despite all your roadblocks -- to manifest a New World.

It has been way too long of a time to permit the few to destroy and put its scars upon my planet and time to give myself the necessary time to heal and recover.  In this matter, I seek your help and assistance in healing my planet from all the past destruction that the minor few have done to leave their damage upon my planet. – me.

Dear ones, this includes making efforts to cultivate new rain forests, new forestry in your mountains and hills, demolishing buildings and structures that are not ecologically and environmentally friendly and building replacement structures and buildings that are more compatible to my surface.

Eliminating the necessity of over-fishing and over-whaling just to passively provide abundant people of the delicacies these creatures provide when millions of others on my planet cannot afford to pay for them. Yet, they overfish and over-hunt whales and thus reduce their population in the oceans and leave virtually nothing for others to enjoy just for a simple, basic meal.  They do this by disregarding the protection of these creatures in favor of eliminating these beautiful creatures from the face of the Earth.  It is past time to clean up my house and reverse this trend.

Tons of waste and pollution are dumped on my beaches – much of it not recyclable in your current technology. Things like plastics, Styrofoam plates and other foreign substances are littered throughout my beaches and end up in the oceans, often consumed by sea life which severely harms and kills fish and other sea creatures. Some fish must permanently live with fishing hooks in their bodies or entrapped by fishing line also. The pollution of my waters, oceans, and beaches needs to cease immediately. And with the cleansing and ascension of human consciousness into the higher dimensions, this matter will eventually take care of itself since people will share and express more love, not only among themselves, but also towards other creatures of my planet and an expanded awareness of me, Gaia, myself.

Where there are alternative energy supplies and resources to operate automobiles and trucks, the world has been slow to adapt to other forms of energies to power these vehicles.  Such forms of energy such as electricity and hydrogen are readily available and are not as destructive as fossil fuel both towards the ocean environment as well as that on land.  But conversion of these vehicles has been slow to transform themselves in existence largely because many still favor the use of more polluting fossil fuels and a genuine demand and greed for these types of vehicles.

In many countries, there is still the need to produce bigger and faster vehicles. Many other countries have adapted to the more compact vehicles both with automobiles and trucks. Other countries need to follow the latter as being friendlier to the environment and exercising conservation measures on using fossil fuel. The need for “luxury” vehicles needs to be re-examined in certain countries that still produce these vehicles.

There is a vast area of other conservation measures that humanity can implement to clean up my environment that will take a book to outline exactly what else I need to have done as I ascend. But be creative in your thinking and planning and always seek my help and consultation in these matters.

Until our next conversation, be well.

Lloyd: Thank you very much, Holy Mother Gaia. I look forward to our next conversation.

Mother Gaia: Thank you, Lloyd, for your time and service to Earth.


Channeled by Lloyd Kaneko

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Preparing Yourselves for the Big Ride -- Part 2


February 25, 2023, 1:11 PM

Dear Holy Gaia, Mother of Earth,

Thank you for this opportunity to converse with you this afternoon. I am once again humbled and at your service and honored to be your channel

Gaia: I am honored and privileged to communicate once again. I am enjoying our conversations both through these channeling sessions as well as our conversations outside in nature.

Lloyd: I look forward to our weekly channeling sessions also, Mother Gaia. What message would you like me to share with the world?

My dear Humans of the Earth:

As I continue to ascend into the 5th dimension and living species including humans are ascending as well, still, dark forces are trying their best to prevent people from ascending by causing man-made catastrophes all in the name of reducing the population of the earth and polluting my planet as well

My condolences to the families who have lost loved ones during the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria for they need not have happened. Dark forces tinkering with the tectonic plates in that area have caused massive destruction in the form of earthquakes that have caused massive deaths in that area of the world all because a few people did not want most of the people to enjoy their ascension into the higher dimensions.

Train derailments in other parts of the planet have also caused great destruction and deaths due to deadly chemical spills all because of orchestrated train derailments by the dark state, again, to cause widespread population reduction in that area.

Global climate changes leading to destructive weather patterns such as blizzards and record snow fall in certain areas of the planet have also resulted in death and a lot of discomfort to many all because the deep state has been manipulating weather patterns around the world. Many things will soon be eliminated from the planet including governments that do not serve the people and all the people who serve in these governments who have corrupted these systems for decades and/or centuries. The rich will no longer have control over people for everyone will have their own sovereignty in the New World.

As I ascend into the 5th dimension, I will be removing myself as a 3D planet.  Much that resonates in the third dimensional world will disappear along with it including the deep state and their control on humanity as humanity ascends into the 5th dimension. This means no more wars that will destroy and scar the surface of my planet.  In the New World, humans will love the planet more and become better stewards of earth as a provider of a loving home. No more intentional means of causing forced, intentional earthquakes, tidal waves, and tsunamis in order to cause havoc on humanity just for the purpose of greed and population control. All these will disappear when the 3rd dimension disappears.

As I ascend into the 5th dimension, prepare now for a 5th dimensional existence with your higher states of consciousness. Also during this transition, there may be a period of chaos, confusion, and bewilderment. For those who have already ascended, help those who have not already awakened to find their way onto the ascension path so that they can successfully find their way on their journey into the higher dimension.

So, in the upcoming year and the next few years, a lot is about to happen on my planet.  A lot of changes that many humans may not be well prepared for – both mentally and physically. So, to prepare for the ride of your life, begin to prepare now in cleansing out your consciousness, spend more time in nature and begin increasing your vibration and frequencies.

Until our next conversation, be well.

Lloyd: Thank you very much, Holy Mother Gaia. I look forward to our next conversation.

Mother Gaia: Thank you, Lloyd, for your time and service to Earth.


Channeled by Lloyd Kaneko

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Prepare Yourselves for the Big Ride


February 11, 2023, 1:11 PM

Dear Holy Gaia, Mother of Earth,

Thank you for this opportunity to converse with you this evening. I am once again humbled and at your service and honored to be your channel

Gaia: I am honored and privileged to communicate once again. I am enjoying our conversations both through these channeling sessions as well as our conversations outside in nature.

Lloyd: I look forward to our weekly channeling sessions also, Mother Gaia. What message would you like me to share with the world?

My dear Humans of the Earth:

As I rotate my way to the 5th dimension, many of you are ascending with me accordingly. There are still many of you lagging behind while there are many refusing to ascend and electing to stay in the 3D collective matrix and trying to hold back others who are in the process of ascending back and trapped in the 3D world through their dark influence and mind control methods.

Eventually, there will be a bifurcation of timelines on my planet as those who have ascended into the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions will be living on a positive timeline while coexisting with others who have been left behind and separated into a negative, chaotic timeline of the 3rd dimension. There is still time to awake and move towards ascension, but the window is closing rapidly.

The big misnomer is that the majority of the people on earth have the misconception that earth is just a celestial rock in the universe orbiting a sun and is part of a nine-planet solar system and has no life other than the life forms that inhabit the planet. That can be anything further than the truth. I am a living planet with a soul and feelings and my vibration and frequency is higher than human life forms on earth. However, some humans have risen their consciousness to meet mine which is how we are able to communicate.

My conscious energies are sensitive to the energies of all life forms on my planet. Besides humans, I also care for all animal life, plant life, insect life, sea life, and other living life forms on my planet. Humans are not the only ones who have intelligence on this planet. All life forms have intelligence including water. We are all connected despite what humans teach in the forms of separatism.

I am disturbed when humans build facilities on the planet to alter and effect the weather causing man-made weather distortions and patterns around the world which, in turn, cause tremendous flooding and fires, then chalk it up to “natural disasters.” I don’t react too well when humans interfere with my natural weather patterns.  Man-made clouds have caused global warming and have served as an insulator rather than something that cools the surface of my planet. All this is an attempt to control the world’s population of human incarnates.

As I ascend into the 5th dimension, it is my desire to purge these negative behaviors off my planet with the help of the collective consciousness that have already ascended into higher dimensions by asserting their voices and will-power to say, “enough is enough” has the New World is being manifested on me. It is time for all lightworkers to shine your lights upon the shadows and the darkness to awaken those who have still not begun their ascension transitions for the time for them to choose is rapidly coming upon them. Ignorance in the matter may be too late to take action for ignorance in the ascension matter may result in them being filtered into the negative timeline.

There is help available to all those who need it at this time. Starseeds and lightworkers on my planet are available to assist those who are still in the shadows and some who are in the dark and willing to ascend.  There are also benevolent extraterrestrials, angels, ascended masters, spiritual guides, and teachers who are also ready to assist in this biblical transformation of an event on my planet that rarely happens.

There is a problem with humanity on earth regarding extraterrestrials. A large majority of them regard most alien visitors as hostile beings and are ready to “shoot” down any “alien” flying object out of the sky.  Extraterrestrial visitation to my planet is nothing new and has been going on for billions of years. Some races are hostile while most others are friendly and benevolent and are interested in seeing the human race flourish on earth. That is why when ever there is a threat of a nuclear attack or war against countries, there is always extraterrestrial intervention to keep the peace since they do not want to see the total destruction of humanity.

As I ascend into the 5th dimension, it is my desire to rejoin the Galactic Federation of Light along with my newly arisen humans that will become members of an intergalactic society once again. No longer will humanity think of themselves as the only intelligent race in the universe for they will be joined and welcomed by their friends and brethren from other planets and galaxies.

So, in the upcoming year and the next few years, a lot is about to happen on my planet.  A lot of changes that many humans may not be well prepared for – both mentally and physically. So, to prepare for the ride of your life, begin to prepare now in cleansing out your consciousness, spend more time in nature and begin increasing your vibration and frequencies.

Until our next conversation, be well.

Lloyd: Thank you very much, Holy Mother Gaia. I look forward to our next conversation.

Mother Gaia: Thank you, Lloyd, for your time and service to Earth.


Channeled by Lloyd Kaneko

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Coexisting in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Dimensions, The Great Ascension


February 2, 2023, 8:18 PM

Dear Holy Gaia, Mother of Earth,

Thank you for this opportunity to converse with you this evening. I am once again humbled and at your service and honored to be your channel

Gaia: I am honored and privileged to communicate once again. I am enjoying our conversations both through these channeling sessions as well as our conversations outside in nature.

Lloyd: I look forward to our weekly channeling sessions also, Mother Gaia. What message would you like me to share with the world?

My dear Humans of the Earth:

As I progress in my ascension into the 5th dimension, a lot of you are following my footsteps. Yet, a lot of you are still unaware of what is happening in these times as dark forces retain their lock on your consciousness and minds through fear mongering and mind control especially through your broadcast media. Soon, you will see changes begin to take place as light forces proclaim their defeat against the dark control that had a stranglehold on humanity for billions of years and will finally come to an end.

Soon those responsible for global child trafficking will soon be brought to justice as their criminal and dastardly acts against children and young adults will finally cease on my planet. What they have done to children are so horrendous that it would be improper to speak about them in great detail in this forum but be better brought to open in a court of law and where the responsible can be properly removed from the 3D world accordingly and properly according to the justice systems of the world.

Earthquakes, floods, volcanic activity, and tsunamis are all designed to bring about changes on the surface of the planet in order to meet the needs of the new world. Those in the 3D world will be inconvenienced through these activities, but it is just part of life living on my planet. The purpose of these “natural disaster” are to surface and expose ancient civilizations that have been hidden for millions of years and bring to the surface fresh water that has been flowing underground beneath the surface of my planet.

During the next few years of disclosure, you will be introduced to civilizations that have been thriving below the surface of the planet and their people. Also, you will be exposed to visiting extraterrestrials that have been residing underground as well. Moreso in the 5th dimension. But since 3D, 4D, and 5D on the planet co-exist, some in the 3D world will see these changes. Those in the 4th and 5th dimensions will be more visible to those in the 4th and 5th dimensions.

In the 5th dimension, a collective change of thinking will occur on many issues. For example, during the ascension transition, many are contemplating the use of more electric vehicles as a replacement to fossil-fuel powered vehicles. This will be certainly welcomed in the new world as electricity will be a cleaner solution to the environment and less polluting to my planet than fuel derived from dinosaurs. Yet, there are those in the 3D world that would argue in defense of the use of petroleum products for it will protect jobs in some countries. In the transition of ascension, people will be afraid of changes so you can either accept the new changes that the 4th and 5th dimensions have to offer, or be stuck and suffer in the chaotic 3rd dimensional world.

Well, as a 5D being, how can I separate myself from the 3D world?

Excellent question! Separating yourself from the 3D world will not be easy since you will still be exposed to many things in the third dimensional level as a co-existing being on this planet (temporarily). The best way you can partition yourself is to continue keeping and turning off the television and avoid news broadcasts that are programmed to influence people’s minds. Meditate more and keep yourself above the battleground as much as you can. There will be many still in the 3D level that will try to trap you into battles and issues of the 3D world which you do not want to get involved with. They will only lower your vibration and frequency. Do all that you can in a multidimensional world to raise and keep your vibration and frequency up. Do not think about events, issues, and concerns in the 3D world, else those illusions will manifest themselves into your “reality.” Since, the more that you think about them, the more they become true.

There is much talk about a nuclear world war III on the surface of my planet. Although many countries are presently at war right now, there will be no nuclear reality. Benevolent extraterrestrials that are here to ensure that humanity survives and thrives in this ascension as a collective will disarm all nuclear weapons and make them incapable of mass destruction.

My mind seems like it is in the 5th dimension, but my physical body feels like it is still in the 3rd dimension. Will this eventually change?

Yes. As all of you are experiencing the ascension at various levels and your individual journey are on different paths and rates, eventually your bodies will get caught up to the 5D world. In the future, the central sun will emit a great solar flash that will sent out great energies that will transform your physical bodies into crystalline light bodies. Many of you are transforming into crystalline bodies presently and are, perhaps, going through a vast variety of symptoms associated with this transformation.  With these new vessels, you will migrate onto the new 5D planet off the chaotic and paranoid 3D planet. This will affect all beings on earth no matter what your age happens to be – young child through senior citizens. This is the event you all came to earth to experience. Some could not wait for this event so they have elected to check out early and many people are still taking their ticket to check off this planet and return home. This new planet will be a parallel planet of the 3D earth that will eventually fade away.

There is a lot of exciting new things that will occur in the 5th dimensional new world and you are all welcome to my new planet. But for those who have already become 5th dimensional beings by purging their minds and thoughts, assist those who are still sleeping and those who are preparing to ascend, and help them ascend with a lighter mind, free of old haunting memories and thoughts. Help them to purge negative thoughts and energies and teach them how to travel along their paths as lightly as possible. For some people, it will be utterly impossible to change their minds and convince them of the importance of ascending from 3D to 5D. They will act and be stubborn and outright refuse to cooperate saying that “you’re crazy and out of your mind.” And, you “don’t know what you’re talking about.”  Ignore people like that and let them be and just pray for their wellbeing in the future.

As you meditate, pray for the people of the world, the animals, and the planet. Until our next conversation, Namaste.

Lloyd: Thank you very much, Holy Mother Gaia. I look forward to our next conversation.

Mother Gaia: Thank you, Lloyd, for your time and service to Earth.


Channeled by Lloyd Kaneko

Thursday, January 19, 2023

The Ascension, 3D vs. 5D


January 19, 2023, 6:10 PM

Dear Holy Gaia, Mother of Earth,

Thank you for this opportunity to converse with you this evening. I am once again humbled and at your service and honored to be your channel

Gaia: I am honored and privileged to communicate once again. I am enjoying our conversations both through these channeling sessions as well as our conversations outside in nature.

Lloyd: I look forward to our weekly channeling sessions also, Mother Gaia. What message would you like me to share with the world?

My dear Humans of the Earth:

As I ascend into the 5th dimension, many of you are on your own individual journey or path to ascend into the 5th dimension in advance of the theoretical “mass” ascension that has been projected to take place on the planet. My dear ones, please remember that what has been forecasted in your books and literature about the ascension are highly inaccurate and are mainly written through 3D filters that have projected great and grand events foretold to occur in the future that will never occur.

The ascension process is an individual matter where individual beings will ascend at their own pace, rate and speed, not because of some supernatural or heavenly power that will magically convert consciousness of the masses all at one time. Ask those who have already ascended and they will tell you that it is a rather uneventful, quiet occasion which will, in most cases, occur overnight and unexpectedly.

One day, your consciousness will be in the 3rd dimension, the next morning you will find yourself in the 5th dimension. Nothing will happen to you physically.  You will not be raised up off the planet or anything of that sort. The world will not come to an abrupt end as it has been foretold in many books and religious literature or in doomsday stories. You, already as a multidimensional being, will just find yourself in a higher dimensional state of being with a clearer state of consciousness, the ability to love more, able to use and incorporate knowledge more in your decision making occasions rather than basing your decisions on feelings and intuition, and live freely as opposed to the more dense 3rd dimensional world in which you once lived.

That is not to say that you will have not totally escaped the 3rd dimensional world for you will be living in parallel dimensions, but you will be happier in the 5th dimensional world less concerned about the chaos and violence caused in the 3D world. Your focus will be primarily to manifest Heaven on Earth. Those still trapped with 3rd dimensional consciousness thinking will be entrapped in the chaos and confusion that that world still causes in the lives of people  in that dimension while eventually, the New World will become the dominant world in the future.

There will be much confusion and chaos as this transition occurs since many religious institutions on the planet are replaced and phased out with a new universal spiritual belief that is more aligned with history and facts of the cosmos and origins of Gaia and origins of “human beings” as they relate to the true origins of intergalactic species and beings from other planets and solar systems.

In the 5th dimension, a whole new educational system will be introduced that will include the true history of my planet and her relationships to other planets not only in this solar system, but other celestial systems and universes including Source/God and a universal belief that is unlike the old traditional religions of Earth. There will be a whole new approach to “dying” unlike the way death is currently viewed upon through many religions on Earth today for in the universe, there is no death, but a continuation of life. On Earth today, humans are all primarily “light bodies” or “souls” contained in physical bodies or occasionally referred to as “meat suits.”  When one passes on, friends and relatives should rejoice and celebrate the passing or transference of life from one form of light body into another rather than mourning over the death of a temporary “meat suit.”

This is the only physical change that will occur during the ascension transition from 3D to 5D should a being choose not to ascend during this time. Some beings choose to depart or exit from this planet before ascending while still living in the 3D world. This is perfectly fine for making the ascension is an optional choice for the individual and many individuals have elected to exit the planet without ascending.

When ascending, you will be provided a choice whether to ascend into the positive 5D timeline, or remain on the negative 3D timeline during the transition. Choose wisely. For there are greater benefits awaiting for you in the 5D world.

Lloyd: Thank you very much, Holy Mother Gaia. Happy New Year! I look forward to our next conversation.

Mother Gaia: Thank you, Lloyd, for your time and service to Earth. And a joyous, productive, and profitable, New Year to you and yours, and to the whole world!


Channeled by Lloyd Kaneko

Thursday, December 29, 2022

The Ascension, New Year and 5D


December 29, 2022, 7:50 PM

Dear Holy Gaia, Mother of Earth,

Thank you for this opportunity to converse with you this evening. I am once again humbled and at your service and honored to be your channel

Gaia: I am honored and privileged to communicate once again. I am enjoying our conversations both through these channeling sessions as well as our conversations outside in nature.

Lloyd: I look forward to our weekly channeling sessions also, Mother Gaia. What message would you like me to share with the world?

My dear Humans of the Earth:

As increasing number of individuals are ascending into the 5th dimension, the dark forces are setting off the proverbial “finale to the firework show” by launching off all of their misinformation, disinformation, false information, and practically every other type of incorrect information to lead people into believing their brainwashing propaganda designed to control minds and enslave human vessels and cause mass waste like they did in other wars and human atrocities and genocides in history.

Yes, I genuinely understand that the dark agenda’s goal is to control the population on the earth through a gradual reduction of human vessels in order to minimize the population of humans living on my planet. Actually, I did not set no limits as to the number of people that could live on my planet (as long as they behave). And, lately, the human species have been bordering their welcome on this planet through various negative behaviors.

Thanks to those who love this planet and also to those who communicate with me, the human species have been spared in favor of the greater experiment that was started billions of years ago on this planet. To those that demonstrate and practice love towards this planet, thank you and keep up the good work you are doing around the world. In some parts of the world, your work may be difficult due to governmental barriers. Soon, 5D legislation will lift those barriers and provide more support for the planet as love becomes dominant throughout the world.

As your consciousness develops into higher states of thinking, so will your appreciation for the outdoors and nature. No longer will you try to start forest fires and destroy my living trees. There will be more caring for the lands and many of the materials that you presently use today as your “conveniences” will no longer be items of “convenience” for better material that is more environmentally compatible will be used instead.

In your new year, many changes will take place around the world and will affect governments and businesses alike all for the short term. It is expected that currencies will fall and a new global currency will take its place. That is also not to say that many actors in governments will no longer be actors on their respective stages very long. In the long run, this may be a good blessing – especially for the change of currency. This would be a prime opportunity to eliminate the medal coins that often get accidentally dropped on the grounds. Do you realize how many thousands of dollars are being wasted by dropped and ignored coins that are either re-processed in a metal factory, or lost permanently in my soil! Please, it is polluting my soil! When you do your currency planning for the 5th D world, consider eliminating the metal coins. These coins are also often swallowed by other small animals.

Speaking about small animals and the 5th dimension, you will know that you have ascended into the 5th dimensional world when your pets start to lovingly gravitate closer to and communicate more with you.

Look for great things to come, especially in your year of 2023 (although truthfully, I’m much older than that).

Lloyd: Thank you very much, Holy Mother Gaia. Happy New Year! I look forward to our next conversation.

Mother Gaia: Thank you, Lloyd, for your time and service to Earth. And a joyous, productive, and profitable, New Year to you and yours, and to the whole world!


Channeled by Lloyd Kaneko

Taking a Bold Stance Against Injustice To and On Gaia

TAKING A BOLD STANCE AGAINST INJUSTICE TO AND ON GAIA August 17, 2023, 8:18 PM Dear Holy Gaia, Mother of Earth, Thank you for this opp...