Thursday, January 19, 2023

The Ascension, 3D vs. 5D


January 19, 2023, 6:10 PM

Dear Holy Gaia, Mother of Earth,

Thank you for this opportunity to converse with you this evening. I am once again humbled and at your service and honored to be your channel

Gaia: I am honored and privileged to communicate once again. I am enjoying our conversations both through these channeling sessions as well as our conversations outside in nature.

Lloyd: I look forward to our weekly channeling sessions also, Mother Gaia. What message would you like me to share with the world?

My dear Humans of the Earth:

As I ascend into the 5th dimension, many of you are on your own individual journey or path to ascend into the 5th dimension in advance of the theoretical “mass” ascension that has been projected to take place on the planet. My dear ones, please remember that what has been forecasted in your books and literature about the ascension are highly inaccurate and are mainly written through 3D filters that have projected great and grand events foretold to occur in the future that will never occur.

The ascension process is an individual matter where individual beings will ascend at their own pace, rate and speed, not because of some supernatural or heavenly power that will magically convert consciousness of the masses all at one time. Ask those who have already ascended and they will tell you that it is a rather uneventful, quiet occasion which will, in most cases, occur overnight and unexpectedly.

One day, your consciousness will be in the 3rd dimension, the next morning you will find yourself in the 5th dimension. Nothing will happen to you physically.  You will not be raised up off the planet or anything of that sort. The world will not come to an abrupt end as it has been foretold in many books and religious literature or in doomsday stories. You, already as a multidimensional being, will just find yourself in a higher dimensional state of being with a clearer state of consciousness, the ability to love more, able to use and incorporate knowledge more in your decision making occasions rather than basing your decisions on feelings and intuition, and live freely as opposed to the more dense 3rd dimensional world in which you once lived.

That is not to say that you will have not totally escaped the 3rd dimensional world for you will be living in parallel dimensions, but you will be happier in the 5th dimensional world less concerned about the chaos and violence caused in the 3D world. Your focus will be primarily to manifest Heaven on Earth. Those still trapped with 3rd dimensional consciousness thinking will be entrapped in the chaos and confusion that that world still causes in the lives of people  in that dimension while eventually, the New World will become the dominant world in the future.

There will be much confusion and chaos as this transition occurs since many religious institutions on the planet are replaced and phased out with a new universal spiritual belief that is more aligned with history and facts of the cosmos and origins of Gaia and origins of “human beings” as they relate to the true origins of intergalactic species and beings from other planets and solar systems.

In the 5th dimension, a whole new educational system will be introduced that will include the true history of my planet and her relationships to other planets not only in this solar system, but other celestial systems and universes including Source/God and a universal belief that is unlike the old traditional religions of Earth. There will be a whole new approach to “dying” unlike the way death is currently viewed upon through many religions on Earth today for in the universe, there is no death, but a continuation of life. On Earth today, humans are all primarily “light bodies” or “souls” contained in physical bodies or occasionally referred to as “meat suits.”  When one passes on, friends and relatives should rejoice and celebrate the passing or transference of life from one form of light body into another rather than mourning over the death of a temporary “meat suit.”

This is the only physical change that will occur during the ascension transition from 3D to 5D should a being choose not to ascend during this time. Some beings choose to depart or exit from this planet before ascending while still living in the 3D world. This is perfectly fine for making the ascension is an optional choice for the individual and many individuals have elected to exit the planet without ascending.

When ascending, you will be provided a choice whether to ascend into the positive 5D timeline, or remain on the negative 3D timeline during the transition. Choose wisely. For there are greater benefits awaiting for you in the 5D world.

Lloyd: Thank you very much, Holy Mother Gaia. Happy New Year! I look forward to our next conversation.

Mother Gaia: Thank you, Lloyd, for your time and service to Earth. And a joyous, productive, and profitable, New Year to you and yours, and to the whole world!


Channeled by Lloyd Kaneko

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