Thursday, October 27, 2022

Through the Years and Up To Today


October 27, 2022, 5:00 PM

Dear Holy Mother Gaia, Mother Earth,

Thank you for this opportunity to converse with you this evening. I am once again humbled and at your service and honored to be your channel

Gaia: I am honored and privileged to communicate once again. I am enjoying our conversations both through these channeling sessions as well as our conversations outside in nature as you receive your energy and upgrades from Apollo.

Lloyd: I am beginning to look forward to our weekly channeling sessions also, Mother Gaia. What shall we talk about today?

My dear Humans of the Earth:

Many of your have the misnomer that I have been in existence for only a few hundred thousand years. That is inaccurate. Earth has been around in existence for several trillion years. I have seen several species of humanity come and go, witnessed the dinosaur age, man living in caves, etc. In fact, if you look very carefully in my caverns and crevasses, you will find existence of modern civilizations that existed before present-day modern people came into existence.

Present-day modern humans did not originate from Adam and Eve like most biblical stories would have you believe. Present humanity had its beginnings by benevolent aliens like the Pleiadeans and Arcturians who visited Earth and cloned beings closely similar to their race. As other alien visitors came to Earth, they produced offspring related to their species – some derived from hostile alien reptilian visitors whose influence still dominate present-day man through various control mechanisms such as mind-control which I will talk about later in this conversation.

Some generations of men were very tall compared to present-day man. Reptilian races gradually adapted to Earth’s atmosphere to look more like humans even though empaths and psychics claim they can see certain similarities of reptilian features in these beings.

Ancestors of reptilians gradually gained control in governments and corporations. They have accumulated so much wealth that they have formed an alliance to control the world’s population and growth. Many corporations are over-taking farms once owned and operated by private, family farmers and forcing farmers to use chemicals and pesticides on foods and vegetables that God/Source has provided and enriched them with poison for distribution to the public. Then, they inject livestock with steroids, more chemicals, and inhumanely kill them in slaughterhouses throwing away a lot of the remains of the animal for waste and not even being thankful to the animal for sacrificing its life for the food that the animal has provided.

In years past when Native Americans inhabited the North American and South American continents, they were grateful to their Source for providing them with the food that they had killed and gave thanks to the animal that sacrificed his/her body to provide them with food. And most importantly, the whole animal was not wasted including, like from the bison, the hide which were used for clothing. Modern people have lost their sense of gratitude and thankfulness and just take what they want. This will change in the New World.

Talk about being ingrateful, man has taken land without giving thanks in every situation. Especially in the migration across North America. During that time, a lot of Native Americans were sent to the non-physical world in sacrifice for their lands just so settlers could establish homes on their lands. Many had settled homes over sacred burial sites.

As time progressed, they build buildings and highways in places where poor people once lived, in the name of progress. This was intolerable since it displaced many poor people either out into the streets and nowhere to go. This started the problems with homelessness in many major cities as relatively poor planning took place as to where to relocate these people in more humane facilities other than forcing them to roam the streets. Yet, when development is proposed in more affluent areas, many have cried, “Not in my backyard!”

When development of my lands had taken place, it was done at the benefit of the more affluent or wealthy that could afford to live in newer communities. Rarely were they developed for the benefit of the poor. They would go about clearing my forests and jungles in favor of accommodating the affluent. Yet, they would not plan to provide space for the poor. In the New World, everyone will be treated equally regardless of their income status or bank accounts since everyone will enjoy financial affluence. There will be no poverty.

The elite of the world have done a job controlling the mass population of the world. They have not only polluted my planet in the name of “progress and technology.” But they have also polluted my air space by launching satellites to monitor people’s movements and behavior, spy on people in the streets, spy on people on their computers, and a whole lot of other things that take away the sovereignty of individual beings on my planet. As for the pollution in my air space, reptilians have launched tankers into space to control peoples’ minds to keep them from ascending. This will eventually fail since the consciousness of man towards oneness is gaining more strength day by day and will overcome dark forces trying to control the ascension process. Apollo will have something soon to say about that.

Lloyd: What is Apollo expected to do?

He will beam forth unto me a flash of great healing light energy that will change the consciousness of most of the entire world. Many, however, will be confused and bewildered. That is why it is important for starseeds and lightworkers to take their hands and guide them through this event when it happens. This great light will not destroy civilization like some expect. The flash will not be that powerful in that it will not totally bring down the electrical infrastructure. It might disrupt it for a few days, but man should be able to recover quickly from this burst of energy. The energy will benefit individuals most importantly. Not only will be mind-changing, but it will be healing of illness, disease, and pain and improve one’s spirituality and psychic abilities, some will improve their clairvoyance, some will become closer to their higher selves, and this even may bring down “The Veil.” I can say that this event will shed light on every dark crevasse of my planet. Those in darkness will be exposed to the light – there will be no hiding. It will be an even never seen before not even by present man and I will be guiding Earth through this plasma field when the time comes.

Lloyd: Some people expect more specifics as to exactly what day this will occur?

Unfortunately, I cannot be that specific. All I can say is that it will happen soon or in a few years on your timeline. You see, we do not go by your timeline here in the universe. We have no timeline. According to your timeline, everything in the universe is either in the past or in the future. You see, many of you have travelled to be on me from the future just to save Atlantis and to experience this occasion of ascension experiencing both you and me going into the 5th Dimension. Many of you have experienced incarnations on me millions of times before in the past and in the future. You have just forgot about those lifetimes. Otherwise, many of you would not be so destructive in their behavior like their behaving right now.

So, look for good things to happen soon as many changes are happening now. Until our next conversation, I extend my unconditional love to all of you. I am, Mother Gaia.

Lloyd: Thank you very much, Holy Mother Gaia. I look forward to our next conversation.

Mother Gaia: Thank you, Lloyd, for your time and service to Earth.


Channeled by Lloyd Kaneko

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Introduction with Holy Mother Gaia

 October 20, 2022, 6:25 PM

Dear Holy Mother Gaia, Mother Earth,

Lloyd:  Thank you for this opportunity to converse with you this evening. I am your humbled and at your service and honored that you have selected me to be your channel.

Mother Gaia: My precious dear, it is I who is honored to communicate with and through you. I have seen your marvelous works with the Prime Creator/Source and you have done such and excellent task communicating His messages that I feel honored to work with you. I feel it is important to emphasize that you have done such a marvelous job merging and bridging your divine masculine and divine feminine minds together as one mind that you will be a shining example of what is needed as humans begin to ascend with me into the 5th dimension.

Lloyd: Thank you for such kind words. I only hope that many more will find a way to discover their individual divine masculine and divine feminine minds and learn how to merge them both as a working one mind rather than one being dominant over the other. What message would you like to share with the world today?

My dear Humans of the Earth:

I speak from a feminine perspective as your Mother Gaia, Mother of Earth. I am very real or this conversation would not be taking place if I were a myth or a fable. However, throughout the history of Earth, masculine minds have dominated and controlled many things on the surface of my planet in the 3D world. Humans have been fortunate that I have been a forgiving goddess in permitting mankind to do what they did in scarring the beauty of Earth.

Since the beginning, masculine minds have viewed me as a myth and have silenced feminine minds throughout the world through the history of Earth. Masculine-dominated beings have gone to war and used weapons of mass destruction that scarred the surfaces of my planet; built man-made structures in big communities (cities) and ruined the natural beauty of my planet through what they called “development; burned down rain forests for the sake of modern development; polluted my waters and oceans with debris called “plastics” that harmed and killed other inhabitants of the oceans; created civilizations in underground caverns in Antarctica; sank ships to the bottom of the ocean floors and never bothered to clean up the mess; sent thousands of satellites into space orbiting the earth only to leave non-operating equipment left in space as “junk” then expect them to fall anywhere on the planet; and the list of atrocities can go on forever.

To simply summarize what the masculine-dominated mind has done was to nearly destroy my planet by taking the attitude that the planet was purely theirs. That they “owned” Earth and disregarded what feminine minds would have done like not go to war and love the planet more. Perhaps the best example of people who lived with nature and cared for the Earth were the Native Americans of North and South America. However, these people were nearly wiped out of existence when European colonists settled in North America and nearly wiped them out as they started to settle to migrate west.

In short, humans were put here on my 3D Earth as my “guests.” There have been often times when I have been tempted to evict the humans off of this planet for their irresponsibility and lack of love for this planet. Yes, it is me that causes earthquakes, floods, and weather changes. For as a physical planet with growing pains, I too have to make adjustments to “my body.” Many of you blame God for these catastrophes but it is not He/Her that are causing all of this, it is I. Many of you blame God for too many things and often misunderstand the Great Creator of Love.

I, too, extend my unconditional love to all humans. But historically, humans have had a tendency to turn their backs on me and fail to recognize my existence in favor of carrying out their own agenda. Well, I am happy to announce my agenda in that I am moving forth with my plans and desires to ascend into the 5th dimension which is presently taking place right now. I will be giving birth to a New World; a New Earth and you are all invited to ascend with me.

The ascension process will be peaceful and uneventful, but there are certain conditions that each of you will have to undergo in order to fully ascend unto the new earth. The first most important task is to learn that each of you has individual masculine and feminine minds. Many of you, especially the men, have kept the feminine parts of you silent and inactive. As for the females, many of you have kept your masculine parts of you somewhat active, but not fully engaged. It’s time to fully engage both the divine masculine and divine feminine minds together as one for balance and as a full person. Simply put, masculine dominance will not be tolerated in the New World and vibrationally wise, will only weigh you down. Learn from those who have already learned how to engage their masculine and feminine minds. For if you do not do it, you will be left behind in the 3D matrix which will be full of fear, confusion, and chaos.

Learn how to live with nature. Build your homes naturally, with natural resources. Eat natural organic plant-based foods for animals in the 5th dimension will take on an entirely different role in life and will not become a food resource but become friends with humans. Learn how to live lightly for you will need to be light as you can as you travel inter-dimensionally, through time, and space. You will have access to modern modes of transportation and modern health care technology that are friendly to New Earth and the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

Leave your old thoughts and memories behind you for they will be history. Leave your frustrations and madness behind you and only carry forth unconditional love into the New World.

If you are the one that does not like changes or are resistant to change, then perhaps the best thing for you is to remain in the 3D world and seek you exit points at that level. However, most of you have come to me with a mission to experience this ascension. You have plenty of help available.

At your help you will have starseeds and lightworkers already on Earth. And from above, you will have the assistance of your angels, ascended masters, teachers, loved ones, spirit guides, and friendly extra terrestrials visiting from other planets, galaxies, and universes.

Do not fear the ascension process. There is nothing to fear about. However, there are some things that you will need to prepare for in the process and transition. The event is taking place right now. Seek help if you need to. There are excellent reading resources that will prepare you for making the transition as well as loved ones who can guide you through the process.

But furthermore, please understand that I am real and not a myth or fable.

Until our next communication, I extend my unconditional love to all of you. I am, Mother Gaia.

Lloyd: Thank you very much, Holy Mother Gaia. I look forward to our next conversation.

Mother Gaia: Thank you, Lloyd, for your time and service to Earth.


Channeled by Lloyd Kaneko

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